{{-- Left Part --}} {{-- Right part --}} {{-- Left part --}} {{-- Right part --}}

@lang('global.International Travel Vaccination Certificate')

@lang('global.Certificate Interoperable')

@if($checkup->dcc_type_id and $checkup->tr) @endif
{{ $checkup->dcc_type_id == 1 ? 'Certificat de Test' : 'Certificat de Vaccination'}}
{{ $patient->nom }}
Given names
{{ $patient->prenom }}
Date of birth
{{ $patient->dob->format('d-m-Y') }}
{{ $patient->typePiece ? $patient->typePiece->libelle : __('global.NoPid') }}
Document ID
{{ $patient->pid }}

@lang('global.Result Tr') {{ get_intitule($checkup->tr, 'valeur', 'libelle') }}, le {{ $checkup->sc->format('d-m-Y H:i:s') }}


{!! nl2br(getParametre('NOTICE1', 'comment')) !!}

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "App\Models\Checkup" not found in C:\laragon\www\siesicis\resources\views\patient\checkups\covid.blade.php:96 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C:\laragon\www\siesicis\resources\views\patient\checkups\covid.blade.php on line 96

@lang('global.The Certificate', ['type' => __('global.'.\App\Models\DccType::DCC_TYPES[$checkup->dcc_type_id - 1])])
{{ \App\Models\DccType::DCC_TYPES[$checkup->dcc_type_id - 1] }} @lang('global.Certificate')
{{ $patient->registreid}}